I see no ready answers
No shape nor any form
The dreams that once
Showed me the light...
The wick is gone
For dark is night.
Being stared at is not much worse than being ignored completely!
It is almost as difficult to get something accomplished when someone is breathing down your neck, as it is when no one cares or knows what you are up to altogether. We could all use a little support, a little encouragement, a little guidance, but do not expect us to know when we have had too little or not nearly enough.
Drastic life-changing decisions should not be made in the heat of the moment. It is a metaphysical framework that one should consider equivalent to the axiom warning us against shopping for groceries on an empty stomach.
Don’t Do It!
If a drastic life-changing decision affects you and you alone; well you do in fact have a right to screw up your own life. However, relatively few actions impact only ourselves.
Most actions directly or indirectly involve those we care about or at the very least those that care about us. So instead of acting irrationally, take a deep breath and pause. Consider involving all the players in the game and talk about the options.
You can always jump off a bridge tomorrow.
For now just take a nice long walk barefoot on a sandy beach during a west coast sunset.
(Pronounced: Ee—mah—gee Fawn—tah—boo—loh)
Not all forms of poison are immediately fatal.
Learning from one’s mistakes seems like such a logical and natural series of events. Why then do some people make the same mistakes each and every time the opportunity presents itself?
Are some people so hopelessly disillusioned by reality that the thought of tripping over the same old pair of shoes over and over again seems impossible?
There is of course always the possibility that people and places change; our perspective on past events can be altered so dramatically that where there were once potholes now lay fields of daisies. Join the party...you too can relive common mistakes as though they are happening for the very first time.
But seriously…come on now! Add some sugar to the cherry flavored beverage. There is no such thing as NutraSweet or Splenda occurring in the natural world.
Learning and growing and moving on with life is not such a painful contingency that it should be avoided at all costs.
Have some more poison, this time it really is Kool-Aid.
Figure eight as double four,
Figure four as half of eight.
If you skate, you would be great,
If you could make a figure eight.
That's a circle that turns 'round upon itself.
Schoolhouse Rock—1973
Place it on its side and it's a symbol meaning
The silken moon shimmers
As destiny chimes…
The song of a sparrow
The sounds of all time.
The dreams of a small child
Awakened in fear…
Are but mere illusions
Of life held so dear.
A small living brook
Weaves its way to the sea…
As a man without faith
Ponders his destiny
A world constantly spinning
Turns so all alone…
So fear not being mortal
But forever stone.
The majestic image of a lion…peaceful and serene
Held still by the artist and his skillful touch
A painting on the canvas I
Etched in flesh upon my chest
…the ink is forever a part of me.
The beauty of a small child…inquisitive and loving
Myself, a child not long ago
The threads woven into lives beyond my own
So proud I step through fatherhood
…immortality is forever a part of me.
The thoughts within my mind...content to flow unnoticed
Dance before my waking eyes and bravely face translation
Though some find lives in shades of black
Few dine amongst my greatest treasures
…the banquet is forever a part of me.
The crossroads I have stood upon...firm feet amidst conviction
To clothe the journey made in haste
The compass holds steady the map to navigate tomorrow
So I alone may own the road I travel on
…each footstep forever a part of me.