Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Lover's Touch in C Minor
I said hey long lost lover how you been? I have missed you, tell me a story…
No one was around, even the mice were sleeping. We talked all night and we were lost in one another's embrace.
We promised to stay in touch, to not let so much distance pass between us. We were both lying, but the mask of smiles concealed the inner sadness as we parted our ways.
Before we parted company, we wrote a song together. It was a beautiful, magnificent gift to the universe.
And now, days later, I reminisce and wonder if my guitar misses me.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Commonplace Commodity
Friendship is a peculiarly invaluable asset. At its very core is contained a glimpse of all that is important.
At moments it is one of the strongest bonds that we can know; at other times it is as fragile as the wings of a butterfly.
Within the realm of friendship, all things are possible. From the warmest of moments to the darkest of times, a solid friendship can carry you beyond the wreckage of tribulations to a place containing the seeds of triumph.
If you have been given the name of friend by another, be relentless in the way in which you carry that title.
Wear the name friend with honor!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Four Queens and a Joker
Sitting in the darkness near the edge of twilight
A world apart and far removed
Scene One:
Flash frozen in thyme not long ago
A still imaged gorgeous sunshine queen
Cold stone but etched in flesh forever
And made of brick and blonde and bones
…and yet never was I…
The eyeglass nor the camera lens
Scene Two:
On hardwood floors where creaks run dry
A performance unnerved while giving birth
To dreams awake and dreams to take
Creating worlds from sand and pebbles
…and yet never was I…
Existentially the audience intentioned
Scene Three:
From notes that fall like sleet and hail
Slow moving lips with rhythmic twists
Intoxication bursts sweet nectar melody
To cage the bird and free the song
…and yet never was I…
Noted worth leaving torn in eighths
Scene Four:
The pole that smokes the dim of night
A tale to wag and wink and whine
Beyond crumpled compliments from leaves that fall
Swept steeply in details of intimacy
…and yet never was I…
Chariot driven to the final race.
Sitting in the darkness near the edge of twilight
I remember the world that was a part of you.