Are you willing to be sponged out, erased, canceled,
made nothing?
Are you willing to be made nothing?
...dipped into oblivion?
If not, you will never really change.
Just the other day...so many ideas were dancing and toying with me in my mind...just the other day.
You know, I sold the pistol long before I ever stopped wearing the holster. Traces of our past are worn as invisible cloaks in our present, and they often can only be seen in our very own minds eye. To the rest of the world, we have become what we appear to be. I am not who I once was, and for that I tell myself that I am grateful (and most often I am).
Old habits are like old friends and just because friends are old does not mean that they are good friends.
Sometimes I want to dance naked within the sound of thunderous chaos as drama fills the air like a torrential down pouring of passionate tears.
Instead I make tater tots and Sloppy Joes's and sing the alphabet song and do the next right thing.
You see, for me it is always easy to do the right thing. I simply do the opposite of whatever my inner drive, my instincts, my old habits, my patterns of behavior tell me to do.
I step opposite of where my foot would like to be placed!
What is your trick?
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