I sometimes have a fragile mind that ebbs and flows like the coming of the tide. Would you like an example?
There are songs that I love, that drive the soundtrack of the inner workings of my delicate life history. I think we all have a soundtrack and we all have the need to dance to our own rhythms; deep inside we have our very own sets of lyrics, some in rhyme and some with no reason.
The concept of Scooby Doo illustrates this best for me. Fasten your seatbelt and follow me on this one.
Mention the phrase "scooby-dooby-doo" and what will most people say? Clearly my educated guess would be "where are you?"
Get it? "Scooby-Dooby-Doo! Where are you?"
Did you know that Scooby Doo has been around for nearly four decades, first airing on the television in the year 1969?
What I would like to do, however, is meet someone who automatically follows the phrase "scooby dooby doo" with "oh sha sha we got to live together."
If you are lost, hold on for one more moment. I will make it real clear.
There may, in fact, be a dog that eats Scooby snacks somewhere in the cartoon world of all our childhood memories. But let us at least give credit where credit is due. The cartoon itself was created as an eclectic by-product of the psychedelic 60s.
Let us thank Brother Sylvester Stone for one of the finest lyrics every written. Now if you are thinking to yourself what song did Rocky Balboa or Rambo every write, then you definitely need to tune in or drop out.
Sylvester Stone is in fact "Sly" Stone of Sly and the Family Stone. In 1968 Sly wrote the song "Everyday People" and it was a big hit for Sly and the Family Stone.
Embedded within the lyrics is the phrase--
"and different strokes for different folks
and so on and so on and scooby dooby doo".
So if you are ever on a talk show and the question is who is Scooby Doo's daddy?
Well, now you know!
For myself, I had often wondered which came first, the words or the animation. A little research proved what I have always known; words have the power to create!
Thanks for riding with me, if you follow my logic you may wish to follow up with psychiatric assistance. It's ok, I know someone who knows a guy who shrunk a head once, I'll give you the number….
There are only two things that you ever have to say to any one person in this world. What you want them to hear, or what they want to hear.
Nice to hear from you, dear old friend!
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