Friday, April 30, 2010

Survival Kit

I think I could survive on my own for quite some time if I just had a hacksaw, a box of Twinkies, and a pickle jar.

My foot is now castified and it itches.  I have never in my life worn a cast and although it is a nice designer black color to match just about everything I could want to wear, I have no clean clothes and no where to go.  Plus I can’t drive on pain medication, at least not with a good clean conscious.

I seldom watch television, it is mindless entertainment.  Now it is my one and only true best friend.  Me and my TV, BFFs forever yo!

Without a remote I am a hostage to some channel I have never seen before and I think I am trapped within some sort of infomercial.

Have I died?  Am I in hell?  Why do my lips taste salty? Have I been crying?

Just kidding, all is well…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What's the pickle jar for?