Thursday, June 11, 2009

Daily Meditations

I would rather be touched by madness than scarred by mediocrity.

Is there anything wrong with taking a moment to acknowledge that some of the thoughts we have entertained over the years would surely mark us as crazy? If the world only knew the things that only we know. There is no need to ponder this notion endlessly, it is either true or it is irrelevant, or both.

Whenever we allow ourselves the time to reflect upon the thoughts that live within our minds, we give ourselves a wonderful gift. Reflecting can be a powerful tool that serves to either inhibit us or challenge us to grow. It is through critical reflection that we develop and enhance our analytical skills.

Thinking, in and of itself however, is never enough. The act of thinking alone, no matter how deep or insightful the thoughts may be, should serve a greater purpose than self entertainment. Without action, thoughts are nothing more than beautiful images sculpted into the landscape of our minds. Wind and change will erode these images and all that will be left is sand.

Thoughts woven into action can be eternal. If we allow our reflective process to guide our decision making process, if we ponder relentlessly all that is fathomable, the exercise will not be in vain if at its closure we have taken the responsibility to act on our choices. And of course, if it is wise choices that we make, we have succeeded in taking an important step.

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